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Student Resource Information
Handwriting Books & Computer Licences
All students from Prep through to Year 9 will have all handwriting books and computer licences sourced by St Joseph's and recharged back to parents through school fees.
Handwriting books are specific to each year level therefore the school see’s the necessity in creating book packs tailored to each student.
Students regularly access electronic devices while in class to complete educational activities and tasks. Prep to Year 6 students will have access to a chromebook whilst at school. These are a school owned resource and are not taken home by the students.
Students in years 7 to 9 are issued with a chromebook either at the commencement of year 7 or alternatively when they commence with us at St Joseph’s. These chromebooks are the property of the student’s as they are purchased by families and are to be taken home at the end of each day. Student’s chromebook use at school is monitored and security software is used. It is the expectation that student’s respect their belongings, including their chromebook and ensure it is fully charged before the beginning of each school day. The expense of the chromebook can be paid in one lump sum or billed with the school fees throughout the year.
Consumable Materials ie pens, pencils etc
Parents are requested to view their child's booklist each year to determine what materials need to be purchased. These materials are different depending on your child's year level.